What is porn? A passive sexual experience in which you are merely an observer, sitting in the backseat, trying to take pleasure in a pixelated world as an outsider. 

If you haven’t yet read my blog: 3 Effects of Porn That are Totally FUCKING UP Your Life, please check it out.

How would you like to have a virtual experience where you are in the driver’s seat—where you are in the experience and truly feeling the connection? 

We believe that Virtual Reality is the wave of the future—our next means of gratification that can make us feel like life is real. But this technology has drastic impacts on the brain and psyche that bring absolutely no benefit to our body and soul. The only thing that it satisfies is the primal gratification mechanism rooted in our reptilian DNA. 

My new series, Better Than Porn sets out to bring quantum technology and soul enlightenment together in the most healing and loving way possible. 

Each audio recording is a ceremonial session of self-please in which I am feeling you through the cosmos. While it seems my transmissions were created in the past, as the illusion of time and space dissolve in the quantum world, it will begin to feel like I am there with you, in that moment, and like the recording was made just for you. And maybe it was! Maybe I was feeling YOU through the waves of cosmos and was tapping into exactly what you need and want in this exact moment. 

The instructions are to enter into these sessions like a meditation. Center and ground yourself. Become present, close your eyes, and ignite your imagination as you begin to imagine feeling me, tasting me, making love to me….to me, or to any connection your imagination can come up with. 

Another flaw that porn has is the loss of imagination and creativity. Like the difference between watching a movie and reading a book, certain centers of the brain, mainly the neocortex and thalamus are worked when we engage our imagination. It is vitally important to strengthen these centers as they are also responsible for your ability to manifest abundance and love. If you cannot imagine a better future for yourself, you cannot create it. So these sessions, unlike porn will give you the beautiful opportunity to engage and ignite these imaginative hubs of the brain. 

If you already have a strong meditation practice you will be able to go even deeper with these experiences, feeling a greater level of connection so it is good to combine the two into your sexual mastery practice. 

Each session will have a different feel meant to trigger different parts of your sexual awareness. Some may trigger your beauty and some may trigger your wounds. There is no right or wrong when it comes to your sexuality. Like everything in this reality, it is all just energy—a reflection for us to better understand ourselves and the conditions around us. 

After each session, there will be a short period set up for meditation. During this time reflect upon your experience. As sexuality is one of the greatest energies available in this reality, we are given an opportunity for amplified reflection while in this energy. Dive deep. What was a turn-on for you? Was there anything that triggered an old wounding that needs to be examined? Take what serves you and what you want to manifest into your material reality and leave the rest. 

My intention with these offerings is to give you an alternative to porn and an experience that feels more real and connected than anything you have ever felt observing pixelated sex performances. In this experience, I hope to transcend you into a place of ethereal oneness where you will be able to feel what the vibration of love truly feels like. Through this understanding, it is my hope that you will simply have no draw to lower vibrational porn and will become more empowered in your life to attract the true vibration of love. 

But most importantly it is my intention for you to understand your god-like essence, the depths of your pleasure centers, and the capacity you have within to experience immense levels of ecstasy, bliss, connection, divinity, and love. 


  • Rewire the brain and nervous system to positively link pleasure and love

  • Level up your meditation practice

  • Help to release porn addiction

  • Increase concentration and focus using the power of sexual energy during meditation

  • Remove shame and inability to accept pleasure

  • Reprograms beliefs of unworthiness or low self-worth

  • Increases the powers of imagination and creation

  • Increases stamina

  • Increases pleasure


  • Medibation

  • Saving your seed

  • Energetic orgasm

  • Stamina building

  • Connecting with your body and breath

  • Connecting with a higher source

  • Relaxing and controlling the nervous system

  • Rewiring the brain

  • Cultivating the imagination

  • Concentrating the mind

So join me on this journey. RELAX. LET GO. AND ENJOY!
